„DFO and the BC Ministry of Environment are taking this crisis

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Things were more consistent in Democratic leaning neighborhoods like Clifton and Northside. At a polling location in the former, a steady stream of voters filed through, though a bug in the county’s ballot scanners that caused the scanners to reject ballots where voters didn’t cast a vote in every category tripped some up momentarily. That precinct ended up with a 70 percent voter turnout rate, and neighboring precincts in the liberal neighborhoods had turnout rates in the high 50s or higher..

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The Global Youth Forum will run from approximately 10:00 am until 2:30 pm, and will feature several speakers on International Opportunities for Youth from both the Rotary and Youth Challenge International organizations. If you are interested, be sure to sign up early as there is a maximum of 50 participants on a first come first serve basis. Lunch, T shirts and other prizes will be provided for participants at the forum.

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