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I mean, really I was being flippant and silly, but if you’re serious? Um, you do realize how hard it was for women to get anyone to take them seriously, right? Like, if a woman complained about basically anything, at best people laughed and patted her on the head, maybe called her „hysterical“; at worst they called her a witch and killed her. Like human hair wigs, I mean, yeah. The patriarchy is a behemoth.

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Lace Wigs 11. When Winnie takes the stage to sing „I Put A Spell On You,“ she says, „Hello, Salem! My name Winifred. What yours?“ It a reference to a line from Mama Rose in Gypsy: „Hello, world. Before the 1960s were done, Owens with the help of manager Jack McFadden began to concentrate on his financial future. He bought several radio stations, including KNIX AM (later KCWW) and KNIX FM in Phoenix and KUZZ FM in Bakersfield. During the 1990s, Owens was co owner of the country music network Real Country, which Owens owned station KCWW was the flagship station of.[18][19] In 1998, Owens sold KCWW to ABC/Disney for $8,850,000[20] and sold KNIX FM to Clear Channel Communications, but he maintained ownership of KUZZ until his death.. Lace Wigs

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